What’s The Deal With An Employee Handbook? In the spirit of Halloween, we are introducing a series of posts highlighting “Scary HR Mistakes” that companies are frequently making. The first series explores the frightening consequences that happen to a company when they neglect to have an employee handbook. I’m sure you’ve heard the old trope…
Being “hip” while remaining professional Modern company dress code policies are becoming more and more flexible. You want a relaxed company culture, but you still want your employees to look sharp- right? Navigating this issue can be difficult. Many employers are struggling with establishing the right dress code policies for their business. Office wear is…
Want To Hire an Employee in Another State? Here’s What You Should Know.
Wanting To Hire A Remote Employee? In light of the pandemic, working from home or “remotely” is becoming more common. Managing a remote working team not only saves employers money, but it can also increase overall productivity. However, staying compliant with the vast number of different hiring rules for various states can be a daunting…
Employee Termination the Right Way As an employer, you may have to face the unfortunate task of firing an employee. Terminating an employee the right way can mean the difference between years of expensive litigation and a clean break. Here are some tips the experts at Optimum Employer Solutions, a Professional Employer Organization in Orange…
Scary HR Mistakes Part 4: Employee Misclassification
Employee Misclassification Is No Joke Welcome to your Final Destination this month: week 4 of our series: Scary HR Mistakes. Last week, the importance of keeping good payroll records was explored. This week, we will discuss a connected issue: employment classification. Exempt versus Non-Exempt Employees Who cares, right? Well, the Feds for one. The…
Scary HR Mistakes Part 3: Inaccurate Payroll Records
Welcome to part 3 of our October series: Scary HR mistakes The Dangers of Inaccurate Payroll Records This week, the devil is in the details, so to speak, as we talk about the problems that arise when a company maintains inaccurate payroll records. Failure to do so can lead to frustrated employees who are not…
Election Day Is Right Around The Corner With the election taking place, you may be wondering what legal rights your employees have when it comes to voting. States have taken a wide variety of approaches to handling the election. In some states, the law dictates a specific amount of time that employers must give workers off…
Do You Need to Review Your Company Sick Day Policies?
Is it Time to Review Your Company Sick Day Policy? Your company’s sick day policies may be out of date. Air travel and doorknobs are probably the first places that come to mind when you think of the most effective routes of disease transmission. While these are notable places, the most common place to pick…
Four Reasons Your Small Business Needs EPL Insurance
EPLI Insurance Is Important The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) recently reported that nearly 100,000 workplace discrimination charges were filed in 2012, with retaliation, and race and sex discrimination, the most frequently filed charges. Other data shows that more than half of all claims are against small businesses. In a nutshell, EPLI, or Employment Practices…