December 05, 2023

The Value in Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Peer Recognition Programs Rising in Popularity

Praising your employees for a job well done is important, but you probably already knew this. More recently, however, companies are implementing peer-to-peer recognition programs. What is a peer-to-peer recognition program, you ask? This is a tool for allowing employees to give praise to another team member. Recognizing hard work boosts morale and improves overall mood in the office. Giving your team a platform where they can celebrate a peer is beneficial for both the company and the individual. Are you interested in unifying your team and creating happier employees? If you said yes, keep reading.

Why is this becoming popular?

People care what others think of them- it’s that simple. Okay, not exactly the reasoning behind this program but you know what I mean. Receiving positive recognition makes you feel good! Many companies are beginning to include a peer recognition program as a part of their perk packages. Not only is this cost-effective, but it is valuable in giving your team feedback on their work! Employees celebrating each other also benefits company culture. Implementing a peer recognition program doesn’t mean you have to eliminate supervisor feedback, however, because this is different and is still vital towards an individual’s success. Top-down feedback is normal and provides an employee with a sense of connection to their supervisor. Manager approval should be continuously worked towards in conjunction with peer recognition.

How to implement it:

If you’re wondering how exactly you would get this program going- Optimum is here to help. We have compiled a few ideas on ways to implement a peer recognition program.

  1. Internal communication program: Have your employees send in feedback as needed. If you have an internal messaging platform, suggest that employees put their two cents into a channel designated for peer feedback. This way, the praise is public, and it gives other team members a chance to praise this employee as well.
  2. Post-it Praise: Think of this as a suggestion box, but instead have your team drop off positive feedback notes aimed at a peer. At the end of the week, pick a positive note out of the box to share in a companywide email.
  3. Department Shout-outs: If your company has regularly scheduled department meetings, set aside ten minutes of this meeting for a peer praise. Allow a team member to speak up and recognize someone else in their department for a noticeable job well done.
  4. Short Video Shout-out: Each week, ask a different employee to record a short 30 second or less clip of themselves giving out the employee of the week award. Have them shout out a peer in the video and explain their choice. Include this video in a company email or department meetings.
  5. Popcorn-praise: Start by selecting someone at random to receive the employee of the week award and have that employee choose the next week’s recipient. Include a tangible object like a crown for example, so that employee can display their prize on their desk for their week of praise.

Spread the love

Everyone likes to be recognized on a job well done. Peer recognition programs are a fun, inexpensive way to allow employees to give and receive praise from other team members. There are a ton of different ways to implement a recognition program- you just need to decide what works best for your team! This program allows employees to have a say in awards and improves company culture by keeping things light and friendly in the office. You know what they say, happy employees are productive employees!

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